Keller Williams VIP
Victoria - Vickie Barrios
Keller Williams VIP
Las Vegas, NV
ライセンス #: NV RE Lic# S.1756276 - NV / Victoria “Vickie” Barrios at Keller Williams VIPでのREALTOR®


We are geared towards the support and correction of Veteran and Family homelessness that allows us to work with many non-profits in creating strategies that get our veterans and their families into sustainable living. These programs take up to 2 years to get the Veteran positioned in forever housing. We create investment opportunities, Full-Service real estate sales, and work with Veteran Service Organizations to support their clients in all aspects of service to civilian life. We are also Disney Enthusiasts that ride motorcycles and fundraise to make sure that families have the simple things in life.

言語 English
マーケットセンター Keller Williams VIP
Victoria - Vickie Barrios
REALTOR® NV RE Lic# S.1756276

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